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sam briden

Hi, my name is Sam, some people call me “sammysamgirl“.  As of current, I am finishing  finished my final year of University, studying Food and Nutrition.

I am a past figure competitor, and at one point in my life I survived on a bodybuilder's diet consisting of the basics; chicken breast, spinach and egg whites. Thankfully, I now live a more balanced lifestyle, meaning I still spend plenty 

of time in the gym but my passion for food and baking has resulted in a MUCH better and more sustainable diet.. (aka the Keto diet!)

I started this blog in the name of my former  blog “” where I once shared some pretty tasty, healthy recipes (if I do say so myself). But as I made my way into the ever-growing platform known as Instagram and quickly gained a new following, .. that poor old blog saw it's last post over 2 years ago.

So after a long time away, here I am getting back to blogging. To be honest I have missed it! Sure, Instagram is great but I find it lacks the more personal feel of a blog-not to mention the endless photos I can include with each post (I'm highly indecisive when it comes to choosing just one).

On this new blog you'll find only the best of my endless baking attempts as I set out on a difficult quest to re-create or “ketofy” as many recipes as I can. This means bumping up the protein content, increasing healthy fats and fibre, lowering the carbs/ sugar and more.

If you're willing to embark on this keto & low carb journey with me, then give this blog a follow and check out the recipe index.